some students today asked me about the Pre-medical Test syllabus and its aim. Luckily, I visited web site of Medical Council of India. I got there Core Syllabus for Biology prepared by NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (NCERT) 2011. I would like to share that.
You may visit the web site of MCI and download the same.
"In the present attempt of the NCERT to revise the Biology syllabus of the Classes XI and XII , several documents like ‘Learning without Burden’, the National Curriculum
Framework-2005, the report of the ‘National Focus Group on Teaching of Science’ as
well as reports of several external and internal reviews carried out, helped to decide the
main focus of the revision. Hence, the revised syllabus aims primarily at reducing the
information load while ensuring at the same time that ample opportunities and scope for
learning and appreciating basic concepts of Biology continues to be available within the
The Biology Syllabus reinforces the ideas introduced in the lower classes while the
children learn new concepts besides getting an exposure to contemporary areas of
Biology. The syllabus aims also at emphasizing the underlying principles that are
common to both animals and plants, as well as highlighting the interrelationships of
Biology with other areas of knowledge. The format of the syllabus allows a simple, clear,
sequential flow of concepts without any jarring jumps. The empirical experience gained
and practical exercises carried out during the course would prepare the student to handle
Biology easily at higher levels in case she / he opts to continue further studies in this area.
The revised syllabus stresses the connection of the study of Biology to real life problems use
of biological discoveries / innovations in everyday life-in environment, industry,
medicine, health and agriculture.
Since it was important that the quality of Biology education at the higher secondary level
was not compromised in any way, the reduction in load from the syllabus required a very
careful selection of topics to be taught. The Committee chose to leave topics out if: the
question about why the child needs to study the topics at the particular stage could not be
answered; if the topic had no direct relevance to the child i.e. was not contextual; if the
content was repetitive across stages with no change in expected understanding, and if any
topic was in isolation with no evident horizontal or vertical linkages. The need for a
network of ideas and cross-linking between the areas being identified was deemed very
important. While deciding on the units / topics and the depth of each topic for the higher
secondary level, a holistic view of the syllabus across all stages from the primary to the
higher secondary and beyond was taken. Reducing the use of too many technical terms
and avoiding very large numbers of examples will also help to make the content a little
lighter. The importance of careful selection of illustrations and their use to make the
concepts more explicit was stressed; in Biology the quality of illustrations can make or
mar any attempt at good textbooks / teaching.
The principal objective at this stage would be to explore the variations amongst the living
and developing respect for the diversities, and to appreciate that the most complex
biological phenomena are also built on essentially simple processes. Learning Biology
should uncover these elementary aspects and illustrate their linkage to more complex
phenomena. It was also felt that the contributions of scientists (women scientists in
particular) that led to critical and important discoveries in Biology should be highlighted,
not merely through a chronological listing, but through brief biographical discussions, in
a effort to bring out the processes that led to the discovery of principles and ideas in
Biology. These would stimulate critical and creative thinking. Besides, the proposed
course at the higher secondary stage provides substantial orientation to the students to
professional / career opportunities available in medicine, agriculture, research teaching
and industry.
The syllabus also takes up issues pertaining to environment, health and other ethical
issues that arise with any interference of human beings in the natural processes, which
have great relevance from the societal."
UNIT I: Diversity in Living World
What is living? ; Biodiversity; Need for classification; Three domain of life;
Taxonomy & Systematics; Concept of species and taxonomical hierarchy;
Binomial nomenclature; Tools for study of Taxonomy – Museums, Zoos,
Herbaria, Botanical gardens.
Five kingdom classification; salient features and classification of Monera; Protista
and Fungi into major groups; Lichens; Viruses and Viroids.
Salient features and classification of plants into major groups-Algae, Bryophytes,
Pteridophytes, Gymnosperm and Angiosperm (three to five salient and
distinguishing features and at least two examples of each category); Angiosperms classification
up to class, characteristic features and examples).
Salient features and classification of animals-non-chordate up to phyla level and
chordate up to classes level (three to five salient features and at least two
UNIT II: Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
Details: Morphology and modifications; Tissues; Anatomy and functions of different parts
of flowering plants: Root, stem, leaf, inflorescence- cymose and recemose,
flower, fruit and seed (To be dealt along with the relevant practical of the
Practical Syllabus).
Animal tissues; Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems
(digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect
(cockroach). (Brief account only)
UNIT III: Cell Structure and Function
Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life; Structure of prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cell; Plant cell and animal cell; Cell envelope, cell membrane, cell
wall; Cell organelles-structure and function; Endomembrane system-endoplasmic
reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles; mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids,
micro bodies; Cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultra structure and
function); Nucleus-nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus.
Chemical constituents of living cells: Biomolecules-structure and function of
proteins, carbodydrates, lipid, nucleic acids; Enzymes-types, properties, enzyme
B Cell division: Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and their significance.
UNIT IV: Plant Physiology
Transport in plants: Movement of water, gases and nutrients; Cell to cell
transport-Diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport; Plant – water relations
– Imbibitions, water potential, osmosis, plasmolysis; Long distance transport of
water – Absorption, apoplast, symplast, transpiration pull, root pressure and
guttation; Transpiration-Opening and closing of stomata; Uptake and
translocation of mineral nutrients-Transport of food, phloem transport, Mass flow
hypothesis; Diffusion of gases (brief mention).
Mineral nutrition: Essential minerals, macro and micronutrients and their role;
Deficiency symptoms; Mineral toxicity; Elementary idea of Hydroponics as a
method to study mineral nutrition; Nitrogen metabolism-Nitrogen cycle,
biological nitrogen fixation.
UNIT I: Reproduction
Reproduction in organisms: Reproduction, a characteristic feature of all
organisms for continuation of species; Modes of reproduction – Asexual and
sexual; Asexual reproduction; Modes-Binary fission, sporulation, budding,
gemmule, fragmentation; vegetative propagation in plants.
Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Flower structure; Development of male
and female – gametophytes; Pollination-types, agencies and examples;
Outbreedings devices; Pollen-Pistil interaction; Double fertilization; Post
fertilization events-Development of endosperm and embryo, Development of seed
and formation of fruit; Special modes-apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony;
Significance of seed and fruit formation.
Human Reproduction: Male and female reproductive systems; Microscopic
anatomy of testis and ovary; Gametogenesis-spermatogenesis & oogenesis;
Menstrual cycle; Fertilisation, embryo development upto blastocyst formation,
implantation; Pregnancy and placenta formation (Elementary idea); Parturition
(Elementary idea); Lactation (Elementary idea).
Reproductive health: Need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually
transmitted diseases (STD); Birth control-Need and Methods, Contraception and
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP); Amniocentesis; Infertility and assisted
reproductive technologies – IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (Elementary idea for general
UNIT II: Genetics and Evolution
Heredity and variation: Mendelian Inheritance; Deviations from Mendelism-
Incomplete dominance, Co-dominance, Multiple alleles and Inheritance of blood
groups, Pleiotropy; Elementary idea of polygenic inheritance; Chromosome
theory of inheritance; Chromosomes and genes; Sex determination-In humans,
birds, honey bee; Linkage and crossing over; Sex linked inheritance-Haemophilia,
Colour blindness; Mendelian disorders in humans-Thalassemia; Chromosomal
disorders in humans; Down’s syndrome, Turner’s and Klinefelter’s syndromes.
Molecular basis of Inheritance: Search for genetic material and DNA as genetic
material; Structure of DNA and RNA; DNA packaging; DNA replication; Central
dogma; Transcription, genetic code, translation; Gene expression and regulation-
Lac Operon; Genome and human genome project; DNA finger printing.
Evolution: Origin of life; Biological evolution and evidences for biological
evolution (Paleontological, comparative anatomy, embryology and molecular
evidence); Darwin’s contribution, Modern Synthetic theory of Evolution;
Mechanism of evolution-Variation (Mutation and Recombination) and Natural
Selection with examples, types of natural selection; Gene flow and genetic dirft;
Hardy-Weinberg’s principle; Adaptive Radiation; Human evolution.
UNIT III: Biology and Human Welfare
Health and Disease; Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases (Malaria,
Filariasis, Ascariasis. Typhoid, Pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ring
worm); Basic concepts of immunology-vaccines; Cancer, HIV and AIDs;
Adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse.
Improvement in food production; Plant breeding, tissue culture, single cell
protein, Biofortification; Apiculture and Animal husbandry.
Microbes in human welfare: In household food processing, industrial production,
sewage treatment, energy generation and as biocontrol agents and biofertilizers.
UNIT IV: Biotechnology and Its Applications
Principles and process of Biotechnology: Genetic engineering (Recombinant
DNA technology).
Application of Biotechnology in health and agriculture: Human insulin and
vaccine production, gene therapy; Genetically modified organisms-Bt crops;
Transgenic Animals; Biosafety issues-Biopiracy and patents.
UNIT V: Ecology and environment
Organisms and environment: Habitat and niche; Population and ecological
adaptations; Population interactions-mutualism, competition, predation,
parasitism; Population attributes-growth, birth rate and death rate, age
Ecosystem: Patterns, components; productivity and decomposition; Energy flow;
Pyramids of number, biomass, energy; Nutrient cycling (carbon and
phosphorous); Ecological succession; Ecological Services-Carbon fixation,
pollination, oxygen release.
Biodiversity and its conservation: Concept of Biodiversity; Patterns of
Biodiversity; Importance of Biodiversity; Loss of Biodiversity; Biodiversity
conservation; Hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction, Red Data Book,
biosphere reserves, National parks and sanctuaries.
Environmental issues: air pollution and its control; Water pollution and its
control; Agrochemicals and their effects; Solid waste management; Radioactive
waste management; Greenhouse effect and global warning; Ozone depletion;
Deforestation; Any three case studies as success stories addressing environmental
(22July2011_NEET-UG Core Syllabus_Draft1)
You may visit the web site of MCI and download the same.
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