Friday, 11 November 2011

Blood - 1

Blood is a fluid connective tissue. It consists of two main components : Blood Plasma and Formed Elements (or, Corpuscles).

Blood Plasma: It is the fluid part of the blood. It is a viscous fluid and a straw colored fluid. It constitutes about 55% of the total blood. It is made of water, mineral ions  and proteins. It contains about 90% of water and 6-8% of proteins. The reaming portion is made of mineral ions such as Na, Ca, Mg, HCO3, Cl, PO4 etc. The major proteins of blood plasma are :
Fibronogens that are essential for blood clotting.
Globulins that  are essential for defense mechanism.
Albumins that help to maintain the osmotic balance.
Other organic compounds of plasma are glucose, amino acids, lipids, hormones, vitamins etc.

Formed elements constitute about 45% of the blood. There are three types of corpuscles :
  1. RBC (Red Blood Corpuscles) or Erythrocytes
  2. WBC (White Blood Corpuscles) or Leucocytes
  3. Thrombocytes or Platelets

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