Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Theories of Evolution

  1. Mention 2 main conditions which formed the basis of Lamarckian evolution.                                               Ans: The use and disuse of parts and the inheritance of acquired characters
  2. Name the scientists who disproved Lamarck's theory.                                                                               Ans: Weismann, a German zoologist
  3. Mention 2 main conditions on which Darwin's Concept of organic evolution is based.                                 Ans: Struggle for existence and survival of the fittest
  4. Who gave the theory of evolution by natural selection?                                                                                                         Ans: Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace
  5. Who wrote the famous book "Origin of Species"?                                                                                    Ans: Charles Darwin (1859)
  6. Mention 1 necessary condition  for evolution by natural selection.                                                                 Ans: Genetic Variability
  7. Give 2 examples of operation of natural selection.                                                                                 Ans: Industrial melanism and resistance to DDT in mosquitoes
  8. Which principal has been used to obtain present day varieties of cultivated plants and breeds of domesticated animals?                                                                                                                           Ans: Artificial selection
  9. What is the basis of artificial selection?                                                                                                  Ans: Isolation and selective breeding of organisms showing characteristics which are useful to humans.
  10. Who coined the term mutation?                                                                                                             Ans: Hugo de Vries

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